The task of converting PSD Design to Responsive WordPress

PSD to Responsive WordPress
Often while developing or revamping your website, you will come across need to covert PSD to WordPress and you need to accomplish this by investing in some easy and proven strategies. The two most important aspects of every website include attractive and appealing design and convenient functionalities. The latter depends on a highly functional website code. A good website needs to excel in both these aspects. While evolving a great design ultimately depends on your inborn creative talent, coding the design requires you to have a wide knowledge of platforms like PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. While a lot of people have the capacity to create PSD images of their choice, coding it is of course a highly challenging option which you can solve using the following procedure.

Those who are not familiar with programming will find WordPress a valuable boon to bank on for their conversion task. This open source platform is a highly versatile and robust tool to build website and manage the content. WordPress can be used efficiently to develop a stunningly great website. Since it is not a simple task to accomplish a new site through WordPress, it is in facteasier to convert PSD to WordPress template. Make use of the following five steps to achieve this in a systematic way.

The initial task to convert HTML to WordPress is to slice. This means that you need to divide a PSD file into several design files with each of them featuring different segments of the whole design. The reason is that usually the full design is not coded as one image. While designing websites, several images are brought together in a seamless manner and in this regard, each of the features and components has its unique functionality and usage.

In the second place, you need to codify the images that are sliced into HTML or XHTML type with the deployment of CSS. Therefore, you will need a deep understanding of the CSS and HTML platforms. Usually several web developers make use of software including Dreamweaver and Fireworks to achieve this end. However, you can bank on suitable software as per your discretion.The only aim behind this step is to code the PSD images into compatible formats including HTML and CSS thereby carrying forward the rollover effects and placing the pixels perfectly. At this stage, you will have to decide whether you want the website to be responsive or not. Based on your decision, you have to accordingly deploy CSS. If you desire themost effective outcome from your conversion mission, you will have to evolve the HTML as per the WordPress file structure. This can be done by segmenting the HTML file into different HTML files according to the theme’s file structure.

Usually, a WordPress theme will feature several PHP files including archive.php, Header.php, Footer.php, single.php, Index.php, page.php, Sidebar.php, category.php, search.php, 404.php, comments.php, and comments-popup.php. However, among them, the most important ones necessary to make the theme functional are index.php along with style.css. At the same time, it is essential that every WordPress theme shall feature all the above said files to have a sound functionality.

There is something very interesting to be noted about WordPress. It has tons of built in functions that are useful to add the basic functionalities you would desire in the WordPress theme. For this, you will never need any complicated HTML codes. If you simply add the inbuilt function tags found in WordPress, then the purpose is achieved as the act shall make the theme files achieve the necessary functionality. It is completely an automated process and that accounts for why WordPress is an excellent platform. The earlier step consisted of breaking the HTML into file structures necessary for WordPress and now you have to concentrate on just adding the WordPress PHP tags and functions.

Following this, the files are to be stored in a single folder and you have to name the folder with the same term you are giving to the theme. This is rather easy to locate and accomplish. Once you do this, what you have in hand is a custom theme that is working on WordPress. You can go to the WordPress dashboard to activate this. Over and above, if you wish to have any additional functionality, you have to take advantage of the WordPress dashboard and achieve them the easy way. You will thus find that to convert PSD to WordPress is not a difficult task at all. 
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